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2018.10.02  欧贝通新政后的可行性方案分析

下午收到了一封来自欧贝通的邮件,由于当时正在外面办事,虽然标题是”Critical Information About Your Entropay Account”,我也没在意,因为最近基本上用不上欧贝通了。回家后,朋友微信跟我讲欧贝通挂了,才有机会打开邮件细看。欧贝通的原文如下:


We’re sorry to let you know that due to new restrictions imposed on card issuers, we can no longer provide virtual Visa cards to people living outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) and to people living in Norway.

Here is how this change will affect you:

  1. From today, 13 August 2018, if you live outside of the EEA or in Norway you will no longer be able to top up Entropay cards from debit or credit cards.
  2. After 31 October, if you live outside of the EEA or in Norway all of your Entropay cards will be cancelled and permanently deleted. All money remaining on your Entropay cards will be deposited into your Entropay wallet.
  3. You can withdraw your money from your wallet to your bank account or to an existing debit or credit card. There is no deadline to withdraw your money; although your Entropay cards will be deleted, your Entropay wallet will remain active after 31 October.

If your Entropay cards are currently associated with any recurring payments (for example, with a streaming service) you should replace these as soon as possible to avoid service disruption.

Although this development is outside of our control, we do apologise for what we understand will be both a frustration and inconvenience for our users.

Your account is not affected if:

Your address in your Entropay account settings is in a country in the European Economic Area (excluding Norway):

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.


  1. 从今天(2018年8月13)开始,如果你在处于欧洲经济区以外或者挪威,不能往欧贝通充值。登录欧贝通看了一下,充值的那个地方提示:You do not have sufficient rights to top up an Entropay card with a credit or debit card.的确是不能充值了。
  2. 2018年10月31号以后,如果你在处于欧洲经济区以外或者挪威,你所有的欧贝通卡都会被删除。欧贝通卡里的钱会被存到你的欧贝通钱包里。
  3. 你可以把欧贝通钱包里的钱提现到你的银行帐号,或者已经添加到欧贝通里的借记卡或者信用卡中,没有时间限制,因为你的欧贝通帐号不会被关闭,只是没有虚拟卡可以用。


2012年开始使用欧贝通,最开始是使用欧贝通买GoDaddy和Yahoo的便宜域名,后来开始搞Online Marketing,学会了使用欧贝通虚拟卡做试用任务(Free trial),说起来我要感谢欧贝通,欧贝通让我了赚了一些钱。当然欧贝通也通过我赚了不少钱,因为去年工行提醒我有40多万积分快过期了(早期是通过工行E卡给欧贝通充值),就是说我通过工行E卡,往欧贝通充值了40多万人民币,手续费都接近2万。



